Saturday, January 13, 2018

The "Ugly American" in the White House

You know what an "Ugly American" is, right? Here's a quick primer, just in case.  Want to guess who acted like an "Ugly American" this week?

President Trump's boorish behavior made headlines again this week.  This time, it was for "allegedly" characterizing most of the rest of the world as "shitholes."  Having spent various amounts of time in a handful of those so-called "shithole countries", I feel somewhat qualified to add my $.02 to the discussion.  I've lived downwind from power plants that burned dirty coal, and the waste products vented into the atmosphere gave me headaches almost every single day.  I've drank only bottled water, sometimes for several months, because the tap water wasn't fit to drink.  I've seen sidewalk and roadside vendors selling fruit that looked like it had sat in the back of the fridge for weeks.  So yes, some countries have areas with sub-par living conditions, such as polluted air and water, or inadequate power grids, or massive poverty/disease/malnutrition, or some form of civil strife such as war or insurgency.  Most likely, a combination of these things.  But while those countries have areas that are not-so-well-off (maybe even large areas), those regions do not represent the entire country.  The countries Trump labeled as "shitholes" have produced their share of top-notch athletes, scientists, scholars, activists, and artists, and the countries themselves have much to contribute in terms of culture, history, trade, and natural beauty.  In short, they may have have some derelict parts - like any other country - but they are not shitholes.

It takes an incredibly spoiled and privileged person to call those places "shitholes." Like, say, someone who was born into wealth and likes to flaunt it in ostentatious ways (such as gold-plated sink handles on a private jet), and who has never experienced anything less than a 5-star existence.  It would be inappropriate even if Trump were still a private citizen; and it is absolutely beneath the dignity of the office to say something like that when he's the leader of the free world.  As president, Trump will likely have to interact with the heads of state of many of those countries, so it's pretty damn bad when word gets out about how Trump really views those nations.  And before you go trying to tell me that the "shithole countries" remark was taken out of context - that it was a momentary lapse in judgment brought on by frustration or anger - go do some research on Trump's past.  He has a pattern of racially-charged statements and actions, so him labeling African and Latin American countries as "shitholes" isn't out-of-character for him; it IS his character. 

In case it's not clear: the President of the United States is a racist.

Here's something else to think about: if President Trump looks down on those countries and their citizens, how do you think he views the people of this country who aren't doing so well? There are parts of the United States that suffer from the same societal ills as the so-called "shithole countries" do.  Parts of major metropolises like Detroit, Denver and Baltimore, as well as medium-sized cities and countless small towns.  There's even one just a few miles from the White House and the US Capitol Building, a section of the DC Metro area called Anacostia.  Do you think a president who looks down on entire populations is going to give a single rat's ass about fixing any of this country's problems? Homelessness, crumbling infrastructure, failing schools, the opioid epidemic? Or do you think it's more likely he treats the people suffering under the weight of those burdens with utter contempt?

Once again, Trump has shown he's completely unfit to serve as President.  This may be one of the most glaring examples of his unfitness, in fact.  In one statement, he has revealed his undisguised disgust, not only for the rest of the world, but by extension, a significant portion of the population he presides over.  He's embarrassed the United States yet again, while his policies inch the United States closer to the dystopia he imagines many non-European countries to be: rolling back environmental regulations, chipping away at minority rights, exacerbating economic inequality, dividing the country, and gaming the government to enrich himself, his family, and his cronies.

Don't let Trump get away with his latest racist dog-whistle, and don't let him dismantle the things that make the United States great.  You've seen his self-serving agenda, so push back against it.

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