Saturday, December 16, 2017

Internet Professionalism

One of my aspirations when I started this blog was that it would someday gain a decent-sized following, which I could exchange into a successful and profitable on-the-side project (like Jim Wright aka Stonekettle) and maybe a podcast (like Dan Carlin) eventually.  Reaching either of those goals involved a lot of processes, but two in particular: I had to deliver quality content on a consistent basis, and I had to maintain a certain level of professionalism and cordiality when interacting with my readers.

I didn't do a very good job of the latter on Tuesday, while discussing my Alabama Senate race post with a reader on Twitter.  I did a poor job of articulating my position, and reacted badly to what I perceived to be either intellectual dishonesty or trolling on the reader's part.  Truthfully, I've never been the most patient person when dealing with different points of view; and my supply of patience gets significantly smaller when that different point of view comes from a source I consider a troll or a fool.  My temper was also frayed from some work-related stresses, too, which put me in a somewhat foul mood.

None of that excuses my behavior, though.  Despite a few verbal cheap shots, that reader came looking for rational debate; however, I felt like I was under attack and reacted by lashing out.  In doing so, I undermined my position as well as my credibility.  I made myself look close-minded and thin-skinned, and incapable of taking criticism.  I may not always succeed, but in the future I will make more of an effort to exercise patience.

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