Monday, November 27, 2017

Hard Times and Heroes

"It's only in the face of horror that you truly find your nobler selves. And you can be so noble. So, I'll bring you pain, I'll bring you horror, so that you may rise above it." - Tilda Swinton as Gabriel, Constantine (2005)

Hollywood uses an occasional plot device to make the heroes become heroes: someone will inflict a tragedy upon them so that they rise to the occasion and reach their greatest potential.  Nick Fury kind of did it in The Avengers.  Gabriel wants to do it for all of humanity in Constantine.  And maybe in Donald Trump's and the GOP's twisted brains, that's what they think they are doing.  Rolling back so many of our current safety/civil rights/environmental/workers' rights protections, that we, as Americans, get off of our lazy, selfish, entitled asses and fight like hell to get them back.  Thus Making America Great Again in the process.

That paragraph above is sarcasm, by the way.  It's more likely that Trump & the GOP, along with their corporate paymasters, don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.  They've never cared if America becomes a giant shit heap as long as they're at the top of the heap; and now they're working feverishly to accelerate the defecation process.  So what happens if we let this continue unimpeded? I'll let Ramsay Bolton answer that:

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