Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Another Israeli/Hezbollah War Brewing?

Okay, so I've been lax about posting new entries the last eleven days.  Sorry about that - life happens sometimes.  Anyway, I wanted to fire off a quick post about a Tweet that caught my attention earlier today.  Kudos to Sulome Anderson, a freelance (?) combat journalist, for catching this. 

I posted a pic of the Tweet because it's easier to show it than paraphrase it, but Sulome suggests it might be related to an increase in aggression toward Hezbollah forces in Syria.  Her contacts have mentioned that the US has taken a more confrontational stance toward Hezbollah forces in Syria, and some of them (her contacts) believe it's a signal that a war with Israel (with America's backing) may be coming.

So could this be a sign that something's brewing? Maybe. On one hand, if the Tweet is connected to elevated hostilities toward Hezbollah, it meshes neatly with one of Trump's main reasons for not certifying the JCPOA: Iran's sponsorship of Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations - which, although likely true, is not an issue the JCPOA covers, and thus not a valid reason for decertification.  Second, go read the official White House statement regarding the decertification; I just read it for the first time, and holy shit does it sound like Trump's making a case for war.  Third, the Israeli Defense Minister accused Hezbollah of deliberately firing rockets at the Golan Heights yesterday, but those accusations were later walked back

On the other hand, Trump's Tweet could be entirely about him carrying out one of his duties as Commander in Chief by remembering 241 fallen American service-members; or trying to salvage his reputation with the troops, military families, and veterans after the recent fiasco.  I don't believe the former scenario is plausible based on Trump's past conduct, but the latter one makes a bit of sense.  Trump isn't known for thinking ahead, either - meaning, sometimes a Tweet is just a Tweet.  He's also known for pushing decision-making authority down to his subordinate commanders; so the obvious question is, who is behind the increasingly hostile posture toward Hezbollah? Trump and the White House, or the ranking ground commander? Either answer is bad, but for different reasons.  If Trump is authorizing the hostility, it may be another sign he's itching for a war, somewhere/somehow.  If it's the ground commander, it's possible Trump doesn't know this is happening.

A lot of the signs of impending war are conjecture, I'll admit.  It's a pretty flimsy case, and Occam's Razor says that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one - which is that this is another one of Trump's random Tweets.  I think it's a situation worth keeping an eye on, though.

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